Welcome to my website! Recently finished my master's degree in Cartography, I am an aspiring cartographer and GIS specialist. I love learning new technologies and theories, especially when they can result in making good maps and map applications. My current interests include: interactive cartography, map design, and geoinformation visualization.
This website presents some of my past projects.
Wildebeest Migration Story Map
![migration map](img/wildebeest.png)
A story map showing the yearly cycle of wildebeest migration on the Serengeti.
Berlin English Bookstores
![a list of english bookstores in Berlin](img/bookstores.png)
A web app using Mapbox GL JS showing the locations of some nice English-language bookstores in Berlin.
Austria Income Map
![Austria income map using d3](img/gender_income.png)
Interactively shows the male and female income of Austria districts using D3.js and SVG.
Austria District Population
![Austria population d3 map](img/austria-population.png)
Interactively shows the population of Austria districts using D3.js and SVG.
Typographic Map of Vienna
![typographic map of Vienna](img/typo_vienna.jpg)
A map of Vienna's central area, using only texts. Inspired by the works of Axis Maps. Produced with Illustrator using OSM data.
Expeditions of Zheng He
![Expeditions of ZhengHe](img/expeditions.png)
A map produced with QGIS showing (a simplified version of) the voyages of the Chinese explorer/diplomat Zheng He.
Europe in Films
![interactive map of Europe](img/films.png)
A personal archive of notable filming locations in Europe, using D3.js.